In 20 years of adoption, biotechnology revolutionized agriculture in Argentina
In 20 years of adoption, biotechnology revolutionized agriculture in Argentina
According to a study conducted by researcher Eduardo Trigo and released in December 2016, the adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Argentina over 20 years (1996-2016) resulted in a cumulative benefit of $ 126.9 million. Of these gains from the adoption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 68% were with the productive sector, 26% with the government (through taxes collection with exports) and 8% with developers of technologies (seed companies and Chemical defenses). The study also indicates that, in this period, the use of agricultural biotechnology generated more than 2 million jobs.
The survey also mentions that there were environmental benefits. With the synergy between the adoption of transgenics in agriculture and no-tillage, considering that the former has the potential to increase productivity and the second is a practice that preserves the soil, there are records of reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.
In 20 years of adoption, biotechnology revolutionized agriculture in Argentina
Carbon sequestration of the atmosphere. Wheat also warns that, together with the adoption of GMOs, it is fundamental to adopt good agricultural practices to maintain the sustainability and competitiveness of Argentine agriculture, such as crop rotation and active principles.
Argentina was one of the first countries in the world to invest in GMOs, initiating the adoption of transgenic seeds in 1996. Even today, Argentina is among the leaders in the world adoption of this technology, with 24.5 million hectares (ha) planted Soybean, corn and cotton, only behind in the United States (70.9 million ha) and Brazil (44.2 million ha). According to the executive director of the Biotechnology Information Council (CIB), Adriana Brondani, all countries that have adopted transgenics in agriculture have benefited. "Argentina is a success story, but it is not the only one; Countries such as the United States, India and Brazil also show that allying innovation and agriculture results in economic, social and environmental benefits, "he says.
Concerned also over the next 20 years, the report underscores the importance of Argentina continuing to invest in technology. In that sense, he emphasizes that the future will require increasingly innovative solutions to the challenges of feeding a growing population while preserving the environment.
Source: ArgenBio, December 2016